The Word: Fortunate

As I was wrapping some gifts in preparation for a holiday party, one of my co-workers commented that the gifts looked lavish [they were not] and that the holidays have become just another reason to consume.  I understand that perspective and acknowledge that not everyone is fortunate enough to buy holiday gifts for their friends and family.

My family is from a very humble background and despite enjoying a comfortable lifestyle now, I still appreciate the simple things. There was a time when I did not have food in the fridge, a roof over my head, money in the bank or change in my pocket. That’s why the following statement is so impactful to me.

Word - Fortunate

Categories: Self-Awareness

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6 replies

  1. What we take for granted should instead be treated as a blessing.

  2. This is deep and I am going to print this out and possibly frame it. Throughout the busyness of life we can really lose focus on what is truly important and my motto for 2013 is to give, help, pray, and smile as much as I can even when it hurts. This is a great post!

  3. Thank you Sherry. We need to be reminded frequently of our blessings. I’m going to share this on Facebook. Have a great weekend!

    • Hi Robert,

      Thanks for stopping by and liking my post. It is easy to forget sometimes when the problem is not right in front of you. There is a weird dynamic of survivors’ guilt though. Just as someone who escapes a tragedy leaving others behind feel guilt, so does those who escape poverty. We remember the hunger and dissappointment and feel for those we could not take with us. So, I do my part with charity and mentoring but there’s always the wish that I could do more.

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